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Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies: Less than 12 Hours to SAVE ROSIA MONTANA!

Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies: Less than 12 Hours to SAVE ROSIA MONTANA!

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This petition has been created by RosiaMontana R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
RosiaMontana R.
started this petition to
Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies
[ Ro Version below ]

Dear friends of Rosia Montana,
Tomorrow we might lose Rosia Montana! Extreme emergency!

Romania finally got out in the street when the politicians wanted to destroy Rosia Montana through a special law. Then we stopped them, together. On Tuesday they will try again. In the Joint Commision the proposal of modification of Mining Law 85/2003 was already discussed and voted. This proposal copies large portions from the text of the Special Law for Rosia Montana, in a new law, much worse, of cyanide mining and expropriation.

Come tomorrow (Tuesday, 10th of December) at 9.30 in front of the Parliament and of each Prefecture in the country to tell the Deputies to vote NO!
We shall not allow the deputies to kill Rosia Montana!
Call them, e-mail them! NOW! Find all the contact details here: http://tinyurl.com/p67blkq

You can find the Facebook event here - www.facebook.com/events/618757951518672
Follow the Facebook page fb.com/rosia.montana.in.unesco for updates. Share the information which the television channels and the news agenciesdo not want to or are not allowed to make public.Install the android app: Salvati Rosia Montana smart protest app!

We will keep you posted with the newest events and news directly on your phone! Download the app from Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/qc59rzj


Dragi prieteni ai Rosiei Montane,
Maine putem pierde Rosia Montana! Stare de ALERTĂ MAXIMA!

Romania a iesit in sfarsit in strada cand politicienii au vrut sa distruga Rosia Montana printr-o lege speciala. Atunci i-am oprit. Marti ei vor incerca din nou. In Comisia reunita s-a discutat si s-a votat deja propunerea legislativa de modificare a Legii Minelor 85/2003, care copiaza in mare parte textul Legii Speciale pentru Rosia Montana intr-o noua lege, mult mai grava, a cianurarii si exproprierii.

Hai maine (marti, 10 decembrie) la ora 9.30 in fata Parlamentului si a fiecarei Prefecturi din tara ca sa le spunem deputatilor sa voteze NU!
NU lasam deputatii sa ucida Rosia Montana!
Scrie-le, suna-i! Gasesti toate datele de contact ale deputatilor romani aici - http://tinyurl.com/p67blkq

Gasesti evenimentul de mobilizare aici: www.facebook.com/events/618757951518672
Urmareste pagina de Facebook fb.com/rosia.montana.in.unesco pentru informatii actualizate. Distribuie mai departe informatiile pe care televiziunile si agentiile de stiri nu vor sau nu sunt lasate sa le faca publice.
Instaleaza aplicatia pentru android: http://tinyurl.com/qc59rzj Te tinem la curent cu cele mai noi evenimente si stiri direct pe telefonul tau! Descarca aplicatia din Google Play!

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