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Ronnie Saez to repay his inappropriately massive severance package and the money to be used for childcare.

Ronnie Saez to repay his inappropriately massive severance package and the money to be used for childcare.

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This petition has been created by Jack F. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Jack F.
started this petition to
Ronnie Saez
Glasgow East Regeneration Agency paid £500,000 to its former chief executive Ronnie Saez when he was made redundant. This included a £232,708 "discretionary payment" to his pension.

The charities regulator has condemned the move in a report, stating:

"We consider that the actions of the charity trustees in this instance constituted misconduct in the administration of the charity.

"However, the payment has already been made and the charity is in the final stages of being dissolved.

"We find this position wholly unsatisfactory, but unfortunately have no powers to recoup the funds for use in the charitable sector."

Meanwhile, the successor agency to GERA, Glasgow Regeneration Agency, is planning to shut the only out of school care project in Parkhead, OSCARS. This means kids will have to be bussed to another area where there's no public transport and no safe way to walk home. The move will make life much more difficult for working parents, and mean kids lose out on extra curricular activities.

Unite the Union Community Branch in the area has been working with local parents to fight to keep OSCARS open, and we have all been incensed that there's no money for childcare but there is for "golden goodbyes".

We believe that this money should be used for what it was originally intended, fighting poverty in the East End, not lining executive pockets. Although regulators have no legal power to recoup the money, we believe that if the people of the East End have their say Ronnie will feel under moral pressure to do the right thing. Pay back the money and keep out of school care available in Parkhead!

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