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Don't Frack South Africa's Water Factory!

Don't Frack South Africa's Water Factory!

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Nicky M.
started this petition to
SA Minister of Water & Sanitation, Ms. Nomvula Mokonyane
The Drakensberg and KZN Midlands is the water factory for millions of people in South Africa. An American owned company, Rhino Oil & Gas, has applied for a prospecting license for the already water stressed areas of Matatiele, Richmond, Eston, Pietermaritzburg, Hilton, Howick, Karkloof, Balgowan, Kranskop, Weenen, Nkandla, Wakkerstroom, Memel, Vryheid, Newcastle, Parys, Kroonstad, Heilbron, Senekal, Frankfort. Public Meetings have shouted a resounding NO! However, we have to keep saying NO loud and clear! Why is Minister Mokonyane not taking a stand to prevent contamination of water resources? We want a moratorium on exploration and extraction of unconventional gas – and a full Strategic Environmental Assessment for any exploration area where this is a possibility. Fracking has unknown long term impacts on human, animal and ecosystem health. Groundwater may become contaminated. Few people will have access to the skilled job requirements and thousands of rural people may be adversely affected through compromised health and farming. We need renewable energy, not short term fossil fuel extraction at the expense of our water and livelihoods. Sustainable farming generates better returns for longer periods for more people, with limited adverse impacts, than fracking can ever offer. If you drink water, you must sign now! Learn more at www.frackfreesa.org.za
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