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Save Bastion Point, Mallacoota (Victoria, Australia) from inappropriate development.

Save Bastion Point, Mallacoota (Victoria, Australia) from inappropriate development.

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

James T.
started this petition to
Hon. Ryan Smith, Minister for Environment, Victoria
Bastion Point is used by thousands of people every year for swimming, surfing, boating and appreciation of nature. It is recognised by the National Trust for its outstanding landscape and environmental values and sits within the spectacular marine and coastal environment of Croajingolong National Park, which is recognised by UNESCO as a World Biosphere Reserve.

The East Gippsland Shire Council proposes to build a causeway road on the beach, and a large breakwater through the surfbreak. This development would significantly damage the natural values of this special place. An independent Government Inquiry found the Council’s proposal to be to the net detriment of tourism, to be uneconomic, and to be of no societal benefit.

A review by the Victorian Department of Transport found there to be a less destructive, more economic alternative: a lower scale development that would upgrade the existing boat launching facility without destroying a significant area of rocky foreshore, beach and reef. This lower impact option is preferred by the vast majority of submissions to the review.

The East Gippsland Shire Council has ignored this review and is applying to the Victorian Minister for the Environment, Hon. Ryan Smith, for consent under the Coastal Management Act to construct the highly destructive breakwater and causeway road.

The Minister should refuse to give his consent to this proposal as it complies neither with the letter nor intent of the Coastal Management Act.

See our website www.savebastionpoint.org for more information.

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