This petition is closed
Save Sherbrook Pool!
Lexi V.
started this petition to
Sam Katz, Mayor of Winnipeg, Harvey Smith, City Councillor, Jeff Browaty, City Councillor, Scott Fielding, City Councillor, Paula Havixbeck, City Councillor, Brian Mayes, City Councillor, John Orlikow, City Councillor, Mike Pagtakhan, City Councillor, Devi Sharma, City Councillor, Thomas Steen, City Councillor, Justin Swandel, City Councillor, Daniel Vandal, City Councillor, Russ Wyatt, City Councillor, Grant Nordman, City Councillor, Ross Eadie, City Councillor, Jenny Gerbasi, City Councillor
Sherbrook Pool has been an important part of Winnipeg's West-Central community for over 80 years, and has recently been home to dozens of swimming programs serving diverse Winnipeg communities. It is a resource for the surrounding community, providing local affordable recreation opportunities, and is well loved by people city-wide. Since November 2012, Sherbrook Pool has been closed due to safety issues, with no word on when it will be reopened. After an extensive examination of the pool by an engineering firm, commissioned by the municipal government, it is clear that the pool is fixable. Help Friends of Sherbrook Pool save this community asset by signing our petition, sharing it will your contacts, and getting in touch with your city councillor by email or phone to demand that they stand up for Sherbrook Pool.
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