
Save Trellis Bay
Jeremy W.
started this petition to
Everyone who cares about the environment and saving natural habitat
The present government wants to increase the size of the runway by 3000 feet.. The current airport is totally sufficient for a country of this size.The islands are beautiful and unique and a runway of this size will lead to the degradation of the "Natures Little Secrets"and the whole concept of what small beautiful small island chains represent.Help us stop the runway extension so that future generations can enjoy Trellis Bay and the surronding areas in its present form.There are 3 international airport hubs within easy reach,lets keep the BVI the way it is for the future generations and the constant flow of repeat visitors who come back year after year for the peaceful small island chain feel unlike other overbuilt jetport islands around us in every direction.Lets instead improve the islands infrastructure, roads, sewage control,electricity,education,renewable energy,eco system,water supply,ferry ports etc,improve what is here ,do not blow it out of proportion just to copy everyone else.A unique destination will keep tourists coming forever.After all this might be all one will have soon.Ask any person who comes to the BVI as a visitor/tourist whether they want a jet 7000 ft runway and I bet they would say no keep the islands the way they are,why ruin the tranquility and the very reason people come here in the first place.
(Updated )
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