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Say No to Uranium Mining in Western Australia

Say No to Uranium Mining in Western Australia

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50 Supporters

debbie B.
started this petition to
State Environmental Minister Bill Marmion and Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke, Toro Energy
The uranium mining proposal from Toro energy jeopardises a number of protected and endemic species in a fragile desert ecosystem and threatens the gateway to the Canning Stock route. And , it would open the door to a toxic nuclear industry in WA. The EPA has waved through Toro Energy's plan even though Western Australians have already rejected uranium mining. History has shown that uranium mining does not make good economic sense and leaves behind a radioactive legacy (thousands of tonnes of waste that will need to be isolated for 10,000 years). Please say no to Toro Energy's proposal to mine uranium at Wiluna for the sake of our environment and our communities.
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