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Sign our petition to save the ancient Buddhist city of Mes Aynak (Province Logar, Afghanistan) from needless destruction

Sign our petition to save the ancient Buddhist city of Mes Aynak (Province Logar, Afghanistan) from needless destruction

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This petition has been created by Vimokshadaka B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Vimokshadaka B.
started this petition to
President Hamid Karzai, We petition the China Metallurgical Group (MCC): http://www.mcc.com.cn a state-owned enterprise in Beijing, We petition Irina Bokova (Director-General of UNESCO): http://www.apaa.info., We petition the Obama Administration; http://wh.gov/NpRl, Junhi Han
The Buddhist ruins are scheduled to be destroyed at the end of December 2012!

In November 2007, a 30-year lease was granted for the copper mine to the China Metallurgical Group (MCC) for $3 billion, making it the biggest foreign investment and private business venture in Afghanistan’s history.

Brent Huffman, a volunteer working to preserve this archaeological site, has produced a documentary about the Buddhas of Aynak, and is busy collecting donations to boost the excavation work. In an interview Huffman talked about the history and the status of the excavation of the Aynak.

Malik Achakzai: Could you discuss the historical importance of the Buddhas of Aynak?

Brent Huffman: Mes Aynak, or "little copper well" is a vast ancient Buddhist city 400,000 square meters in size. There are over 400 hundred life-size or larger Buddha statues, a circular monastic complex and dozens of temple (stupa) structures.

More is being discovered daily, including hundreds of ancient manuscripts hidden inside many of the stupas.

Archaeologists are only beginning to find remnants of an older 5,000-year-old Bronze Age site beneath the Buddhist level including an ancient copper smelter.

M.A: How important is this site for Afghanistan and the world?

B.H: This site is extremely important to not only Afghanistan but to the entire world. The incredible discoveries at Mes Aynak will redefine the history of Buddhism and Asia. Mes Aynak represents a major hub on the Silk Road where pilgrims and traders would exchange ideas and influence each other. People at Mes Aynak also mined for copper themselves using ancient mining techniques.

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