South Africa's Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini: To take responsibility for South Africa's Abandoned Children
Dee B.
started this petition to
South Africa's Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini
Abandoned children are being forgotten in South Africa. The Department of Social Development does not measure how many children are abandoned annually and as such, it does not have to account for and take responsibility for them. Child welfare organisations estimated that over 3500 children were abandoned in 2010 and of the more than 120 000 illegal abortions conducted annually, more than 30% are done after 26 weeks (considered a viable birth). If the Department of Social Development, in partnership with the Department of Health, Education and the Police, took responsibility for this growing social challenge, we would know how many children are abandoned, where, when and why, and we would be able to start solving this national crisis.
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