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Stop Forced Adoptions in the UK

Stop Forced Adoptions in the UK

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Sabine K. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sabine K.
started this petition to
European Parliament, UKIP and British Parliament

"Abolition of Adoption without Parental Consent" is the title of the petition we submitted to the EU Petitions Committee. We will present it to the Petitions Committee in Brussels on 19 March 2014!!! The more signatures we can present the better obviously! More on http://bit.ly/ZAMEx8

According to this Parliamentary record, 50 children a year DIE in care: http://bit.ly/16l1Tgz And according to this Daily Mail article, 1,000 children a month are taken into 'care', based on what's unique in the UK: http://bit.ly/RYV1Jq

While legally kidnapping is an international phenomenon, Forced Adoptions are unique to the UK. When 2,000 signatures are reached, they will be taken to MEPs. Meanwhile, we are collating a Dossier of online Evidence on http://bit.ly/13erbXH

This petition aims to stop all institutions involved in covering up these destructive practices, greatly helped by the Secrecy of Family Courts and a Judiciary that is independent from Government.

Over 1,000 children per month are put into 'care' in the UK. Generally against the will of parents and grandparents. Most of them are foreigners. Only a small percentage actually gets adopted. http://bit.ly/RYV1Jq

An estimated 10,000 children went missing according to a report of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Runaway and Missing Children: http://bit.ly/19GAi5L

The UK is the only country in which parents are 'gagged' and threatened with prison, if they speak out. In 2006, 200 prisoners were in prison due to the family courts. Hearings are carried out in secrecy, at times not even open to the media.

Although ratified on paper, the UK does not implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child or Article 8 of the European Human Rights Act, the right to family life.

More on what's unique in the UK on "Punishment without Crime": http://bit.ly/MbzhX3

Background information:
For the normal non-believer, this is your induction:
Mainstream Media Overview – quite a lot of articles that didn’t make a difference: http://bit.ly/N45qUG

Our Portfolio of Nine Cases that we submitted to the Education Select Committee when it investigated child ‘protection’: http://bit.ly/109Bei8

For the experienced cynic, this is your analysis:
Child snatching is one of Seven Deadly Syndromes and Seven Media Cover-Ups: http://bit.ly/WLlc9V

For the person who can be convinced by statistics: http://bit.ly/10WmFQx
• The Money: http://bit.ly/UODtAt
• The Kids: http://bit.ly/Woo9Am

From victims and their supporters who signed the online petition
• The Secrecy of Family Courts should be lifted NOW: http://bit.ly/kExfF1
• and added these marvellous comments: http://bit.ly/ZprkcH

Legally Kidnapped: http://legallykidnapped.blogspot.co.uk/
Forced Adoption: http://forced-adoption.com/introduction.asp
The Independent - The untold story of gagging orders: http://ind.pn/kPhKRn

What is worst: babies are taken at birth, without mothers getting a chance of proving their parenting skills, or, even worse, in prison. Foreigners and immigrants are targeted – at a loss to understand and with hardly any chance of ever being a family again.

Furthermore, it has become politically correct for homosexual couples to adopt children.

The motivation of Social Services tends to be money in a multi-billion industry that leaves broken hearts and damaged lives behind: parents, often falsely imprisoned, and children who will later use Facebook to find their roots and heal their feelings of abandonment.

Posted (Updated )