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Stop Spring Hunting in Malta

Stop Spring Hunting in Malta

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Ray G. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Ray G.
started this petition to
Lawrence Gonzi, the Prime Minister of Malta
Every spring-time, birds (including turtle doves and quails) are at their best. They migrate from Africa, crossing the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean sea to reach mainland Europe where they breed and raise their young.

Many species are in decline, and shooting them when passing through Malta in spring is contributing to this decline. Many protected birds are indiscriminately shot every spring while the hunting season is open.

Malta is defying an EU directive which bans the hunting of wild birds during their migration and breeding seasons. A huge wave of opposition from across the EU can shock the government and get it to agree to stop being a death trap and start implementing the ban on hunting wild birds migrating across the island.
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