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Stop War from Spreading in Goma!

Stop War from Spreading in Goma!

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Melinda M.
started this petition to
It has been more than a week since the Rwandan-backed M23 rebel group took the capital of the North Kivu province, Goma. Three-quarters of a million people have already been displaced by the conflict and now the rebels are advancing to gain control of the resource-rich Masisi territory, increasing the likelihood of a regional war breaking out as the United Nations has indicated both Rwanda and Uganda have backed the rebel forces.

The US is the greatest ally Rwanda has in the international community and helped the country recently get elected to the UN Security Council. The US can lead at the UN to sanction Rwanda for government officials who are at the top of the de facto chain of command for M23 and for providing weapons to the forces for their aggression in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

To learn more, visit: www.transafrica.org, www.friendsofthecongo.org and these two articles: from Human Rights Watch: http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/11/20/dr-congo-us-should-urge-rwanda-end-m23-support and from International Crisis Group: http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/alerts/2012/dr-congo-s-goma-avoiding-a-new-regional-war.aspx
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