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Stop the violence in Congo

Stop the violence in Congo

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This petition has been created by Juan L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Juan L.
started this petition to
Susan Rice, US Ambassador in UN

Can you believe this is happening again? Villages being looted, people slaughtered, women raped and children recruited as soldiers! The nightmare has returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rebels, reportedly backed by Rwanda, just took over Goma, a city of 1 million people in East Congo, and are marching on to other cities. But if we act now we can stop them!

In a few days the UN Security Council will review the sanctions related to the conflict. If we can get the US to take a lead in UN-sanctioning of the Rwandan government officials supporting the rebels, there is a big chance donor-dependent Rwanda will stop supporting this needless violence and human suffering.

The EU, UK, Belgium and the Netherlands have cut on financial support to the Rwandan government. Let’s now encourage the US to follow suit and help the Congolese to live in peace. Sign the petition now and our call to the US will be deilvered to a representative of US at UN.

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