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Supreme Court of the Maldives: Legally assign the custody of my 5 month old daughter to me

Supreme Court of the Maldives: Legally assign the custody of my 5 month old daughter to me

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This petition has been created by Tanja R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Tanja R.
started this petition to
Supreme Court of the Maldives
My daughter is only 5 months old and she was abducted by her Father from our then home in Zurich and he ran away with her to Maldives. I am German but now in the Maldives and have submitted a case to the Family Court. The Family court on Monday issued an injection to my Husband Ahmed Sharaan to handover the baby to me within 24hours, by 3pm Tuesday 11th February 2014. However, he refused to obey this court order and went into hiding for several days. Whilst in hiding, he arranged a lawyer and submitted an appeal to the High Court to cancel the Family Court injunction. The High Court on Sunday 16th March, suspended the injunction of the Family Court without even hearing my side of the story and without a hearing. My husband is accusing me of trying to bring up the child as a non-Muslim despite the fact that I had formally converted to Islam in December 2013. I need all your support to achieve justice in this case. I am hoping that the Maldives justice system will deliver a fair judgment and give me the custody of my child according to the law.
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