Free Press for Syria
In its
last report, Reporters Without Borders considers Syria “the world’s most dangerous country for journalists.” Priority
targets of the regime and its security forces since 2011, Syrian journalists
are now facing an increasing deadly threat since 2013 : the Jihadists militias.
Facing retaliation if they denounce the abuses aloud, and facing extinction if
they don't, Syrian media have chosen the former. Despite intimidation and threats, Syrian
media are uniting for the first time and standing up together to demand an end
to the crimes committed against all journalists. This is unprecedented and holds potential for real change. This coalition for press
freedom and against intolerance has the potential to be the core of a vast
popular movement.
However, Syrian media are taking a very serious risk by doing so, and their
action will only have an impact if they receive enough national and
international support to make a difference.
Please sign the petition to support the Syrian media who refuse the alternative between a criminal regime and intolerant extreme Islamists, and who show the possibility of a third way, equidistant from the Syrian regime and the Jihadist militias.