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THE GENERAL PUBLIC OF HYDERABAD,INDIA: Save Hyderabad from unscrupulous writers distorting history.

THE GENERAL PUBLIC OF HYDERABAD,INDIA: Save Hyderabad from unscrupulous writers distorting history.

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This petition has been created by Bakhtyar K. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Bakhtyar K.
started this petition to
We have to tell the younger generation what the true History of Hyderabad is and what the Qutub Shahi and Asaf Jahi dynasties did to make it the RICHEST and most powerful Princely State in British India.The help rendered by His Exalted Highness Nawab Sir OSMAN ALI KHAN, Asaf Jah VII to the British Empire in the two world wars in 1914 and 1939.The TEHZEEB( Etiquette) and SECULARITY as practised in those days and the separation of the Executive from the Judiciary as early as 1921 and the PROHIBITION of forced labour in 1922 much before these were enacted in British India.The hundereds of buildings are to be preserved for posterity.
Let HYDERABADIS ALL AROUND the world rise together and put a permanent end to writers who are spinning tales and minting money with wrong projections of the city being named after a woman who never actually existed.
Captain Bakhtyar S Kaoosji


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