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Board of UN Pension Fund and Ban Ki-moon: Stop Exit of Pension Fund from UN at a Time of Outsourcing to Wall Street

Board of UN Pension Fund and Ban Ki-moon: Stop Exit of Pension Fund from UN at a Time of Outsourcing to Wall Street

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This petition has been created by Ian R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Ian R.
started this petition to
The Board of the UN Pension Fund and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Petition by FICSA, UNISERV and CCISUA federations:

On 17 July, the board of the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund will be asked to consider new financial rules that pave the way to remove the Fund from the UN at a time that investments are being outsourced to banks and hedge funds. The proposed rules were published on 9 July, leaving the board insufficient time to properly consider a decision of such magnitude.

This comes as the pension fund CEO, Sergio Arvizu, has obtained new flexibilities in how he manages his staff, giving him space to favour those who turn a blind eye to internal rules and procedures and retaliate against those who don't, thus further removing the fund from the UN.

Meanwhile newly retiring staff continue to wait months for their first pension and a full investigation by OIOS into serious allegations made against the CEO by his own staff (reported in the press) remains to be carried out.

Up to now our fund of 250 staff has operated effectively and conservatively under the UN financial regulations. If the new rules are approved, it will become difficult to prevent further outsourcing of investments to Wall Street. Many other other public sector pension funds have lost money there.

Please click here to see the documents in question and find out more (http://www.ccisua.org/2016/07/11/save-pension-fund/)

It is important that the 33 members of the board, entrusted with our money, listen to us. Twice the CEO has tried to increase is powers in the Fund and move it out of the UN, twice You the staff have campaigned to block him. Now he is trying again, we need to stand firm and defend our interests and our future.

We hope you will join our campaign to save our fund. Please sign this petition. It is backed by the federations of staff unions of the UN Secretariat, funds and programmes, and specialized agencies.

We call on the Board and the Secretary-General to:
  • Refuse the new financial rules that pave the way to remove the fund from the UN and allow further outsourcing of investments.
  • Protect the independence of fund staff by rescinding the new human resources policy.
  • Pay new retirees on time.

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