The CEO/Chairman Shell International in Den Hague: Let SNEPCO and Shell Nigeria compensate the Bonga spill victims
Tee M.
started this petition to
The CEO/Chairman Shell International in Den Hague
The Oils spill happened in December 2011 and no clean up done and no compensation has been paid yet. The House Committee Environmental ordered Shell to pay and the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) notified Shell on the 19.12.14 that they have been levied $ 1,800,095,603.00 for damage done to natural resources and loss of income by the affected shoreline communities, also punitive damage in the same amout to be paid to the Federal Government of Nigeria. both totalling $ 3,600,191,206,00 billion. Shell should live up to their responsibility and compensate the affected communities urgently. People are starving! People are dying! If Shell wants to continue doing business in Nigeria they better start paying. Tee Mac Omatshola ISELI (MFR) Bonga Oil Spill Committee
(Updated )
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