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The Western Cape Premier and Mayor of Cape Town: STOP DESTROYING the Philippi Horticulture Area

The Western Cape Premier and Mayor of Cape Town: STOP DESTROYING the Philippi Horticulture Area

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This petition has been created by Nazeer S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Nazeer S.
started this petition to
The Western Cape Premier and Mayor of Cape Town
The Philippi Horticulture Area (PHA), the unique 3,000ha farmlands located within the city of Cape Town and in the heart of the Cape Flats has been the city’s breadbasket since 1885.

The City of Cape Town is processing developments of 50,000 houses, 2 shopping centres, a private prison, private school .... This will delete the farmlands and destroy the Cape Flats Aquifer

Where will our food and water come from when silica sand is exhausted and farmlands are paved over by roofs and roads, and the most unique agricultural land in the world is a hole in the ground filled with water?

The PHA Food & Farming Campaign is fighting to defend the farmlands from the illegal manner (see links below) in which the city's governors are promoting developer proposals: against the law, against policy, against the interests of its own citizens.

6 Reasons why you should care about the PHA:
  • The PHA is a unique horticultural area producing over 150 000 tonnes vegetables and flowers per year.
  • The proximity of the PHA to consumers means minimal transport costs: fresh, affordable vegetables available throughout the year
  • The PHA farmlands and seasonal wetlands are the last naturally occurring recharge for the Cape Flats Aquifer
  • South Africa is a climate-vulnerable country. The PHA is blessed by ideal micro-climate, sandy soils and abundant aquifer water and thus can provide food and water security for the city for eternity
  • The PHA employs almost 4 000 workers mostly from vulnerable groups such as women and youth. This has the potential to increase.
  • The PHA soils are the sink for atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in the city. Soil purifies aquifer water and is a natural reservoir for water and atmospheric carbon. In this way PHA helps with climate change mitigation and adaptation.

  • Right to food. Local government is required to progressively realise the right to food.
  • Right to have the environment protected. For the benefit of present and future generations.
  • Right to water security . National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998) prescribes that water requirements for aquatic ecosystems and basic human needs be reserved before allocation for other uses.
  • Right to good health . Malnutrition is a direct result of lack of access to vegetables and affordable, nutritious food.
  • R ight to administrative justice [s33] of the Constitution and the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (PAJA). All administrative decisions, such as granting environmental authorisation and making planning decisions must comply with all of the relevant considerations taken into account by the decision-maker.

    Cape Flats Aquifer Under Threat

    City violates due process
    7 reasons building on the PHA makes no sense:


    " The city doesn't understand that when Philippi is not here, the cost of cheap veg to the people is going to double. It's going to skyrocket" Ian Grimbacher, born in Philippi.


    Building over the PHA is illegal

    Under investigation by Public Protector

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