A Voice for Democracy in Venezuela ask for your support! Please sign this petition.
Human Rights are being constantly violated in Venezuela, including:
1. Aggression by the Venezuelan Armed Forces against peaceful protesters seeking to end severe food shortage and unpunished crime. This aggression has resulted in more than 25 dead and countless injured. This is a violation against Article #3 and #20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
2. Criminalization of the peaceful protesters with the objective of justifying the aggressions and killings stated above. This is a violation against Article #7.
3. The ilegal incarceration of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez under made-up charges. Many of them have been suspended due to lack of evidence. There is evidence that the Venezuelan judge, Ralenys Tovar, issued the detention warrant under threats of losing her job. This is a violation against Articles #8, #10 and #11.
4. Security forces tortured and physical abused the incarcerated students that were peacefully protesting on the streets. This is a violation against Article #8.
5. Censorship and expulsion of the free media. The Venezuelan Regime exerts total control over all major Venezuelan TV networks. In recent weeks it has expelled the last source for impartial news, the cable networks. CNN en español and NTN24, a Colombian news station, were both taken off the cable channel rosters by order of the government because of their impartiality. This is a violation against Article #19.
Below, there are links to videos that documents the violations stated above:
Soldier, now is your time - Soldado, ahora es tu turno:
Gabriela Ramirez: Public Advocate for Nicolas Maduro Regime, justify torture - Gabriela Ramirez: Defensora del Pueblo, justifica la tortura
Understanding Venezuela's Pro-Freedom Marches: Democracy Rekindled?
National Guards hurt student in Av. Panteon - Guardias Nacionales hieren a estudiante en la Av. Panteon
Just For Now - Sólo Por Ahora
Venezuela Fights for Freedom - Venezuela pelea por su libertad
According to the Universal Declaration of the Humans Rights, the following articles have been violated in Venezuela: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.3 y 23.4, 25.1, 26.2 and 26.3, 28, 29.2 y 29.3, 30. This is over 70% of the Declaration.