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Traditional leaders of South Africa: stop initiation deaths and mutilations!

Traditional leaders of South Africa: stop initiation deaths and mutilations!

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This petition has been created by Dingeman R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Dingeman R.
started this petition to
Traditional leaders of South Africa
Radical steps are urgently needed to end the avoidable deaths and mutilations that accompany the ritual of Traditional Circumcision and Initiation into Manhood. We do not call for an end to the initiation schools, but urge the traditional leaders to restore the ritual to it's traditional values. We believe that initiation schools have the potential to function as much-needed institutions educating young men about values such as human rights, family responsibilities and against societal ills such as gender violence and substance abuse.
For more information read http://mg.co.za/article/2013-08-16-00-the-boys-who-lost-their-manhood or visit http://www.ulwaluko.co.za.
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