Animal abuse: a case of a female dog
musmé V.
started this petition to
We want to thank everyone for each signature, we will use them to ask justice for a female dog that was just playing on the street and suddenly a guy just set a firework into the muzzle. The legal process is going on, we are asking the local authorities of San Luis Potosí, México to apply the new law that protects animals. We are not asking something out of the law, we are just asking for jail to the adolescent guy who did it, besides he is use to abuse of animals, it is not the first time. We will let you know the result of the legal process.
Sunday, Jnuary 5th of 2014, in San Luis Potosí, México, a young guy of 17 years old set a firework into the muzzle of a female dog. It is not the first time he have done that, he enjoy a lot the torture of animals, he also throw fireworks to the children. People there is afraid to him, he has the support of a small gang. In México there is a new law the protects animals, the vet that tried to save the life of that dog (the dog died) she already started a legal process against this person. The Mexican authorities does not know how to manage this sort of cases, so we can ask them to review the case to apply the law and send that person to jail. Maybe he is dangerous, but our will and union are stronger than any gang, we are not alone. Please help me to make th difference, help me to make justice for that dog. This sort of events happen often in México, help me to stop them.
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