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World Peace

World Peace

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Hulya G. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Hulya G.
started this petition to
World Leaders

With whispers of WWIII going around I think it is of great importance everybody signs this petition because in this world there are far more people wanting peace then there are those who create fear and unstability.

The time has come to put down our weapons and free ourselves of fear and ignorance, the planet is big enough and resourcefull enough for all of us, if we spent the same time and energy and the billions of defence money in the name of good, we can create a place of harmony and abundance.

Please let the world leaders know we are tired of the pettyness of arguing and fighting lets grow up and take responsibility of our behaviour for the sake of our children and the animal kingdom we are sharing this amazing planet with.

Stop destroying and start creating Heaven on Earth, because we can!!

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