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Your Access to Homoeopathy is Under Threat

Your Access to Homoeopathy is Under Threat

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50 Supporters

Robert S.
started this petition to
Members of the UK Parliament
The medicines act is being simplified which could adversely affect your access to homoeopathic medicines within the UK. If the current proposals of the MHRA are endorsed by the government the following would occur:

1. You would no longer be able to get homoepathic medicines by telephone or online.

2. Homoeopaths would no longer be able to dispense or prescribe medicines to you.

3. You would have to get your homoeopathic medicines personally from a handful of licenced homoeopathic pharmacies in Britain.

You can stop this from happening by contacting your local MP and expressing your disapproval. This will be particularly effective if your MP sits on the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments or is involved with Health or Pharmacy.

You can contact your MP by using the following link:
You can find out who sits on the committee by using this link:
Please help us to stop the MHRA from limiting our choices of access to alternative health care!
Thank you!

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