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This petition has been created by Swahili N. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Swahili N.
started this petition to


We, the African citizens and ONE AFRICA Advocates, working in unison towards realizing our aspirations for the ‘Africa We Want’, have come together and are calling for A UNIFIED AFRICA (ONE AFRICA) RIGHT NOW! NOT in 2063.


SNOA – Swahili Nation One Africa is a global initiative founded to unite Africa and explore the abundant opportunities that exist for Africans while harnessing their ideas of how best to be involved in the country’s socio-economic growth.              
Through networking and collaborations with various stakeholders, SNOA is working Towards a One Africa of Solidarity in Peace and Love and strives to defend the image and bring back all the heritage, sons and daughters of Africa, decolonize the mind through authentic knowledge, and create a bridge for oneness and a Peaceful Africa.

We, the African citizens and ONE AFRICA Advocates, call to the attention: All African Heads of State, the African Union, and the Pan-African Parliament on the following problems and solutions - summarized in the following categories - that we would like addressed soonest:
  • Removal of visa restrictions for All Africans in the continent to immediately facilitate the free movement of Africans within the continent in respect of the protocol to the Abuja Treaty 1991. 
  • Prioritizing One Africa Passport and availing it to all African citizens and her descendants in the Diaspora, the latter of whom were forcibly enslaved by colonizers during the 16th to 19th-century triangular trade, as a gesture of apologizing for what was done to them, welcoming them back to the Motherland and benefiting from their professional expertise and advanced skills.
  • Champion the open border policy through opening markets and accelerating intra-regional trade opportunities to curb the high unemployment rate amongst the youth in Africa and their unwarranted risky journeys and inhumane deaths through the Mediterranean Sea
  • Africans can never be illegal immigrants in their own continent, they are not immigrants they are Africans.
  • Expose foreign exploitation of Africa’s mineral resources while encouraging skilled Africans in the diaspora to participate in finance mobilization using Africa’s minerals and natural resources available within and from the continent.
  • African Union (AU) to withdraw from receiving ‘partner funds’ to sustain its budget and INSTEAD exercise its independence by focusing on streamlining revenue collection from Member States and African citizens within the continent and Diaspora
  • Immediate implementation of One African currency a step towards African solutions to African problems with African money

Thus, We, the African citizens and ONE AFRICA Advocates, reinforcing the Aspirations for the ‘Africa We want, standing in solidarity with the ‘Acceleration of AfCFTA Implementation’ and respecting the sovereignty of each of the African nations, urge the Heads of State, African Union, and Pan-African Parliament:
  1. To urgently set up an immigrant veto system at each boundary-crossing point of all respective countries in preparation for an immediate open border policy across Africa
  2. To collapse the African borders and allow every African holding One African passport to traverse freely across the continent as one person without visa requirements.
  3. To expose illegitimate militarism in Africa and the role armed conflicts (some facilitated by foreign powers) have played and contributed to the climate adversities on the continent, therefore, inhibiting (deliberately or otherwise) economic development.
  4. To expose institutions/individuals (enemies of Africa) funding terrorism and transnational organized crime that are destabilizing Africa


We, the undersigned African citizens and ONE AFRICA Advocates,

    1. Convinced that Africa - her descendants within the continent and in the Diaspora, inclusive of her natural, mineral, and human resources - is capable of being an equal global partner with other continents and that the time to UNITE is long overdue,
    2. Building on the aspirations of Africans for the ‘Africa We Want’ embedded on a ‘STRONG, UNITED and INFLUENTIAL GLOBAL PLAYER and PARTNER’,
    3. Recognizing the urgent need to demonstrate willingness to fast-track the Abuja Treaty of 1991, by looking inwards to mobilize African resources that will finance and accelerate our industrial development,
    4. Critical of the presence of foreign military bases on our Motherland and the threats to our security these bases pose to our continent and her people,
    5. In protecting our beautiful Motherland Africa and declaring our continent is NOT a battleground for proxy wars between French troops, USA (NATO) troops, European Union (TAKUBA) forces versus Russia and China, and that all foreign military bases on the continent should be removed,
    6. Further, recognizing the pivotal role the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) plays in empowering and uplifting African women and youth (the backbones of society) towards economic independence and development,
    7. Unified to accelerate the integration of Africa’s markets to provide massive employment, boost regional trade and economic prosperity amongst our youthful population, and,

    On behalf of Swahili Nation One Africa (SNOA), its members, and ALL PEOPLE championing for UNIFICATION OF AFRICA,
    WE STRONGLY RE-ECHO our Forefathers’ and Foremothers’ Pan-African call for Africa and her Diaspora to UNITE RIGHT NOW and realize African Renaissance and prosperity in our lifetime (#oneafricainourgeneration #oneafricarightnow).

    CONCERNING ALL OF THE ABOVE, We the undersigned and ONE AFRICA Advocates, call upon: ALL AFRICAN HEADS OF STATE, the AFRICAN UNION, and PAN-AFRICAN PARLIAMENT, to take immediate measures and concrete action, therefore, hold an Urgent Extra-Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union and declare A ONE AFRICA RIGHT NOW and NOT IN 2063.


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