
UN Earth Alarm Convention 2023 - call to Antonio Guterres
Barbara W.
started this petition to
Antonio Guterres
Dear Secretary General António Guterres,
We beg you sincerely to invite global system specialists and national leaders for a UN Earth Alarm Convention, or a Special Session of the UN General Assembly, to maximise mitigation from the escalating polycrisis of biodiversity loss, climate disruption, still growing Gross World Product, overpopulation, poisoning by (micro)plastics, PFAS and pesticides, rapidly growing inequality, too large global Footprints, the crossings of the planetary boundaries, human rights violations and desperate refugees.
Despair is now growing globally, not only among the youth. None of the present international councils, conferences and panels on climate, biodiversity, plastics, pesticides or the oceans can handle this growing polycrisis, so an integrated vision and approach is badly needed, with fair and effective solutions and radical changes. There is no time to waste…
Global humanity is in great danger. Only our UN might be able to stop the destruction of human and other life on our planet Earth
August 25, 2023
More information for organisations that wish to support this petition at https://poemsforparliament.uk/scream2
We beg you sincerely to invite global system specialists and national leaders for a UN Earth Alarm Convention, or a Special Session of the UN General Assembly, to maximise mitigation from the escalating polycrisis of biodiversity loss, climate disruption, still growing Gross World Product, overpopulation, poisoning by (micro)plastics, PFAS and pesticides, rapidly growing inequality, too large global Footprints, the crossings of the planetary boundaries, human rights violations and desperate refugees.
Despair is now growing globally, not only among the youth. None of the present international councils, conferences and panels on climate, biodiversity, plastics, pesticides or the oceans can handle this growing polycrisis, so an integrated vision and approach is badly needed, with fair and effective solutions and radical changes. There is no time to waste…
Global humanity is in great danger. Only our UN might be able to stop the destruction of human and other life on our planet Earth
August 25, 2023
More information for organisations that wish to support this petition at https://poemsforparliament.uk/scream2
(Updated )
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