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This petition has been created by Brian W. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Brian W.
started this petition to
Citizens of the World
We, the free and independent citizens of the world declare:

Our unalienable and inviolate right of informed consent
over what is done to our own bodies.

I. Considering esp. the recent global ‘covid’ operation, where:

a) CDC admits SARS CoV-2 virus not identified.[2]
b) A +PCR test does not = disease. 90% have 0 symptoms.
c) Bad ‘covid’ symptoms => different agent, eg ambient toxins.
d) Prevent/cure serious symptoms w/ nutrition, HCQ-zinc…
e) Never-before lockdown of healthy harms and kills millions.
f) Mandated general-public face coverings:
i) optimize spread of disease via jet and plume effect.
ii) do nothing to prevent or lessen viral loads.
iii) seriously damage health and brain with prolonged use.
iv) spike irrational fear in emotional, brainwashed public.
v) stifle freedom = mass-submission, herd-fear mentality.
vi) rot your teeth. (seriously)
g) The elite-set goal of ‘covid’ op is a literal killer ‘vax’ for all.
h) Evidence is strong that highly financed ‘bad actors’ and
corporate-state officials conspired to create a ‘covid’ fake
emergency for $trillions and to commit systematic crimes
against humanity–to which the ‘covid’ op is key.

II. Thus, we the free and independent citizens of the earth sign
this manifesto to:

a) Deny consent for compulsory testing, tracking, surveilling,
masking, distancing, isolating, temp-taking, bio-chipping,
business-closing, school-stuffing, Congregation-ending,
sports-denying, beach-shutting, exempt-vaxxing, etc.
b) Hold all ‘bad actors’ accountable and personally liable for
their aggressions and crimes against humanity, including
life in prison for those who have faked the ‘covid’ emer-
gency, thus causing deaths and economic devastation–
under applicable statutes for government officials and em-
bedded media lying and/or committing fraud in reporting
disease facts and images.

III. We also shall pursue, via international and multijuris-
dictional class action and independent people’s grand
juries, other official bad actors’ high-crimes, e.g.:

a) 5G and harmful electromagnetic radiation, dirty electricity.
b) Genetically modified organisms and food tox practices.
c) Water and sky poisoning, consentless geoengineering.
d) Damage-suit-immune vaccine and drug manufacturers.
e) ‘Climate change’ hoax promoting international taxes/control.
f) The worldwide child-trafficking-and-sex-molestation network.

[1] In America, this right is guaranteed to all residents by First
Principles of the Declaration of Independence, the 1st
Amendment, and the 9th Amendment to the Constitution,
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,
shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the people.”
No right is more inviolable than the right of self-ownership.
“First… Do… No… Harm!”
[2] Citation links for each listed item will be
on the links page: freedom-manifesto.com.
Note: this petition has a corresponding fundrazr

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