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Computers in the post-Snowden era: choose before paying!

Computers in the post-Snowden era: choose before paying!

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

No M.
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From the world citizens to the authorities worldwide


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When you buy a computer, a telephone, a tablet-pc, etc., you make your choice first, and then you pay. But meanwhile, quite often you first pay the licence of an operating system (Microsoft Windows, MacOS, etc) which you then choose to use or to replace with another one. As a result, the vast majority of us all use the operating system that mainly beneficiates from this forced sale. Our addiction is so high that even those actors that should be neutral in principle help this situation continue: state, administration, school, city administration, etc. We are thus technologically very dependent, hence vulnerable. Thanks to Edward Snowden, it is now established that intelligence agencies modify hardware (computers, routers, firewalls, etc) and software (Microsoft Windows, probably all Apple operating systems, probably one GNU-Linux distribution, etc) to massively listen to communications and illegally penetrate into computers. In such a context, the least thing for consumers is to have the choice of the software they want to install or use (from the BIOS/UEFI and the operating system up to additional software). In other words, for operating systems and other software too, one must be able to choose before paying.

More information: http://no.more.racketware.info/en/index

Organizations that promote this petition: http://no.more.racketware.info/petition/support

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