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No to Exploitation, One Voice. One Cry.

No to Exploitation, One Voice. One Cry.

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This petition has been created by Akanyang S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Akanyang S.
started this petition to
Department of National Service and Internship
Purpose of this petition is to promptly demand that the Department gives a response to the requests made before them within 10 working days.For some time there have  been communication with the Department on numerous requests which included but are not limited to;• A change of policies for the overall welfare of participants• An increment of volunteers’ allowance• (More) employment/absorption of participants by host organizations• Integration of both DPSM and DNSI databases. Together with numerous follow ups concerning the above mentioned requests, but the Department has evaded responding to all of those occasions. This lack of response is very disheartening as those issues had been tabled during the first meeting with DNSI in December 2019, and a prompt  response was promised.As it has  been on the agenda of the same meeting, the Department  was provided with a list of the representatives/focal persons that comprise the team and members of the committee. Till now the Department has failed to uphold theirIt remains up to the Department and the Ministry then, to do either one of the following; Acknowledge that ALL volunteer participants are working full jobs for no pay, and therefore; act promptly in accordance to the propositions we have previously put forth, Or, as always, negate the labour they put in on a daily basis, and drag the issue, while ``the matter is still being discussed``, for years on end...  current participants and unemployed graduates  will await the standard 10 working days for the Department to reply, after which, we will follow up your reply – or lack thereof -, with a fitting response of our own.  obarforth,
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