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Get Facebook to have good customer service for hacked pages and other issues

Get Facebook to have good customer service for hacked pages and other issues

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Laurent C. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Laurent C.
started this petition to
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg
My page on climate change, Climate Change Guide, has been hacked by a sophisticated group of hackers who are working for a climate change denier group.

The hackers were able to gain access to my page via a business account that I did not create and are able to make random accounts admins (and able to change the page role of other people on the page). Facebook did not help much with the situation even though I contacted them many times since August 2018 (tried to call, send letters, send emails, filled many report forms, had a friend in California visit their headquarters and make a report more than once).

The hackers did a tremendous amount of damage and basically, my page used to reach millions of people per week and not only reaches thousands per month. Facebook should get customer service (including phone calls and emails) to help people who have had their pages (not just profiles) hacked and for other issues as well.

Facebook has billions of dollars so they can definitely spend a bit of money on adequate customer support. There should also be more security measures put in place to prevent hackers from gaining access to a Facebook Page (keep in mind that many big and small businesses rely on their Facebook Pages).

Essentially, we need to get Facebook to improve security for pages and improve customer service to help people in need. Thank you for signing and sharing this petition.

Side note: better customer service means they could also help more in detecting hate speech or false information

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