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Accountability of Public Funds

Accountability of Public Funds

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This petition has been created by Christian A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Christian A.
started this petition to
General Public who has access to the link
Deltans at home and in diaspora has come up with this petition against the Governor of Delta State, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, demanding for account for the 320 billion naira Okowa received from President Buhari Government and more so for the 150 billion naira loan he took.
It is also imperative to note that Gov Ifeanyi Okowa received 142 billion naira as Delta state oil derivatives in 2021 making Delta state the highest in the country.  With all these funds, there is nothing to show for it in the state, no commissioned project, no reasonable ongoing projects
We demand accountability, we say Enough is Enough
Okowa has been a bad boy!
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