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Open up biometric fingerprint centers inside Canada

Open up biometric fingerprint centers inside Canada

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This petition has been created by EHSAN D. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
started this petition to
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
For the past 4 months, IRCC has closed Service Canada centers where they take Biometric fingerprints due to COVID-19, which is a requirement to get any type of visa or Permanent residency, every couple of weeks they send a notice that Biometrics collection deadlines have been automatically extended. This is hurting people especially the immigrants/ students/ foreign workers as they are waiting. The fingerprint collection is appointment based and there can be so much done to take precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE THAT THE MALLS ARE OPENING UP across Canada,  but there is no news of fingerprint biometric centers opening-up. We demand IRCC open up Biometric fingerprint collection centers inside Canada immediately.

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