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Immediate ban of the Grey Wolves at EU level

Immediate ban of the Grey Wolves at EU level

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This petition has been created by Costas_Mavrides .. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Costas_Mavrides ..
started this petition to
J.Borrell, European Commission VP, EU High Representative-Foreign Affairs/Security Policy
On November 4th, 2020, the French government banned the
Grey Wolves ”, an extreme ultranationalist organisation, involved in violent actions and inciting hate speech in France .
The Grey Wolves are an ultranationalist organisation with a long history of violence and murders especially against minorities, both in and outside Turkey. They are active in the EU, mainly in countries with large Turkish minorities, imposing terror and fear against dissidents. The Grey Wolves have been referred to by governments, scholars and journalists, as a terrorist organisation.
By signing the petition “ Immediate ban of the Grey Wolves at EU level ” we support the initiative undertaken by Costas Mavrides, Member of the European Parliament, Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Political Group , calling for an immediate ban at EU level of the Grey Wolves (and its umbrella associations), as such organisations run counter and are detrimental to EU values and principles .

Here follows MEP Costas Mavrides’ letter to Josep Borrell, Vice-President of the European Commission, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, co-signed by 33 Members of the European Parliament, including Chairs and Vice-Chairs of European Parliament’s Committees and Vice Presidents of the European Parliament and Political Groups in English , French , German , Spanish , Italian , Greek and Portuguese .

Honourable High Representative/Vice-President,
Dear Mr. Borrell,
On the 4th of November 2020, the French government banned the “Grey Wolves”, an extreme ultranationalist organisation, involved in violent actions and inciting hate speech in France. The Grey Wolves, formally known as the Idealist Hearths, are an ultranationalist organisation with a long history of violence and murders especially against minorities, such as Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, moderates and leftists in and outside Turkey. They are also active in EU, mainly in countries with large Turkish minorities imposing terror and fear against dissidents. Due to its actions, the Grey Wolves have been referred to by governments, scholars and journalists, as a terrorist organisation.
Taking into consideration the seriousness and emergency of the issue, we are calling for an immediate ban at EU level of the Grey Wolves (and its umbrella associations), as such organisations run counter and are detrimental to our EU values and principles.

Monsieur le Haut représentant/Vice-président,
Monsieur Borrell,
Le 4 novembre 2020, le gouvernement français a décidé d’interdire les «Loups gris», une organisation ultranationaliste extrémiste, impliquée dans des actes de violence et dans des discours d’incitation à la haine en France. Les Loups gris, connus officiellement sous le nom de «Foyers idéalistes», sont une organisation ultranationaliste ayant à son actif une longue liste de violences et de meurtres, en particulier ciblant des minorités comme les Arméniens, les Grecs, les Kurdes, les personnes modérées et les sympathisants de gauche aussi bien en Turquie qu’hors de ses frontières. Ils sont également actifs dans l’Union européenne, principalement dans les pays comptant d’importantes minorités turques, et sèment la terreur et la peur parmi les dissidents. Des gouvernements, des universitaires et des journalistes qualifient les Loups gris d’organisation terroriste en raison des actes qu’ils ont perpétrés.
Compte tenu de la gravité et de l’urgence de la situation, nous réclamons une interdiction immédiate à l’échelle de l’Union européenne des Loups gris (et des associations qui les chapeautent), étant donné que de telles organisations agissent de manière contraire à nos valeurs et principes européens, et portent atteinte à ceux-ci.

Sehr geehrter Herr Hoher Vertreter/Vizepräsident,
Lieber Herr Borrell,
Am 4. November 2020 verbot die französische Regierung die „Grauen Wölfe“, eine extrem ultranationalistische Organisation, die in Frankreich an gewalttätigen Aktionen beteiligt ist und zu Hassreden anstachelt. Die Grauen Wölfe, auch als „Idealisten- Bewegung“ bekannt, sind eine ultranationalistische Organisation mit einer langen Geschichte von Gewalt und Morden insbesondere gegen Minderheiten wie etwa Armenier, Griechen, Kurden sowie Gemäßigte und Linke innerhalb wie außerhalb der Türkei. Sie sind auch in der EU aktiv, hauptsächlich in Ländern mit großen türkischen Gemeinden in denen Angst und Schrecken gegen Andersdenkende verbreitet wird. Aufgrund ihrer Taten werden die Grauen Wölfe von etlichen Regierungen, Wissenschaftlern und Journalisten als Terrororganisation eingestuft.
Angesichts der Schwere und Dringlichkeit des Problems fordern wir ein sofortiges Verbot der Grauen Wölfe (und ihrer Dachverbände) auf EU- Ebene, da solche Organisationen gegen die Werte und Prinzipien der EU verstoßen und diesen schaden.

Honorable Alto Representante/Vice-Presidente,
Estimado Sr. Borrell,
El día 4 de noviembre de 2020, el gobierno francés prohibió al grupo “Lobos Grises”, una organización ultra-nacionalista, por estar involucrado en actos violentos e incitar al odio en Francia. Los Lobos Grises, conocidos formalmente como los Hogares Idealistas, son una organización de la extrema derecha con una larga historia de violencia y asesinatos, especialmente en contra de las minorías de grupos étnico-religiosos como los armenios, griegos, kurdos, y de ideologías políticas moderadas e izquierdistas, tanto dentro como fuera de Turquía. Los Lobos Grises también actúan dentro de la UE, principalmente en países con grandes minorías turcas fundando miedo y terror a los disidentes. Varios gobiernos, académicos y periodistas se han referido a los Lobos Grises como una organización terrorista debido a sus actos violentos.
Tomando en cuenta la gravedad y la urgencia de este asunto, hacemos un llamamiento para la prohibición inmediata de los Lobos Grises (y sus asociaciones) en la UE, ya que tales organizaciones perjudican y van en contra de los valores y principios de la Unión Europea.

Onorevole Alto rappresentante/Vicepresidente,
Egregio signor Borrell,
il 4 novembre 2020 il governo francese ha dichiarato illegali i "Lupi grigi", un'organizzazione ultranazionalista ed estremista coinvolta in azioni violente e nell'incitamento all'odio in Francia. I Lupi grigi, ufficialmente noti come "Idealisti", sono un'organizzazione ultranazionalista con una lunga storia di violenze e omicidi, in particolare contro le minoranze, quali armeni, greci, curdi, moderati e simpatizzanti della sinistra, all'interno e all'esterno della Turchia. Tale gruppo è attivo anche nell'UE, in particolare nei paesi con significative minoranze turche, e semina terrore e paura contro i dissidenti. A causa delle loro azioni, i Lupi grigi sono stati definiti da governi, accademici e giornalisti come un'organizzazione terroristica.
Prendendo in considerazione la gravità e l'urgenza della questione, chiediamo un divieto immediato nei confronti dei Lupi grigi (e delle organizzazioni ad essi collegate) a livello di UE, poiché tali organizzazioni sono contrarie ai nostri valori e principi europei e li compromettono.

Αξιότιμε Ύπατε Εκπρόσωπε και Αντιπρόεδρε της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής,
κ. Μπορέλ,
Στις 4 Νοεμβρίου 2020, η Γαλλική Κυβέρνηση απαγόρευσε τους «Γκρίζους Λύκους», μια εξτρεμιστική υπερεθνικιστική οργάνωση, εμπλεκόμενη σε βίαιες πράξεις και υποκίνηση ρητορικής μίσους στην Γαλλία. Οι «Γκρίζοι Λύκοι», επίσημα γνωστοί ως «Εστίες του Ιδεώδους» είναι μια υπερεθνικιστική οργάνωση με μακρά ιστορία βίας και δολοφονιών, ιδιαίτερα εναντίον μειονοτήτων, όπως Αρμενίων, Ελλήνων, Κούρδων, μετριοπαθών και αριστερών, εντός και εκτός Τουρκίας. Είναι επίσης ενεργοί στην ΕΕ, κυρίως σε χώρες με μεγάλη παρουσία μειονοτήτων τουρκικής καταγωγής, όπου επιβάλλουν τρόμο και φόβο εναντίον διαφωνούντων. Λόγω των πράξεων τους, οι «Γκρίζοι Λύκοι» αναφέρονται από Κυβερνήσεις, ακαδημαϊκούς και δημοσιογράφους, ως τρομοκρατική οργάνωση.
Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την σοβαρότητα και το κατεπείγον του θέματος, καλούμε σε άμεση απαγόρευση σε πανευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο των «Γκρίζων Λύκων» (και των εξαρτώμενων οργανώσεών τους), καθότι τέτοιες οργανώσεις είναι επιβλαβείς και λειτουργούν ενάντια στις αξίες και αρχές μας ως Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.

Ilustre Alto Representante/ Vice-Presidente,
Caro Senhor Borrell,
No dia 4 de novembro de 2020, o governo Francês proibiu os “Lobos Cinzentos”, uma organização ultranacionalista extrema, envolvida em ações violentas e incitação ao discurso de ódio em França. Os "Lobos Cinzentos", formalmente conhecidos como "Corações Idealistas", são uma organização ultranacionalista com uma longa história de atos de violência e assassinatos, especialmente contra minorias, como por exemplo Armênios, Gregos, Curdos, moderados e esquerdistas, dentro e fora da Turquia. Os "Lobos Cinzentos" também estão ativos na UE, principalmente em países onde as minorias turcas são significativas, impondo o terror e o medo contra os dissidentes. Devido às suas ações, os "Lobos Cinzentos" têm sido referidos por governos, por académicos e por jornalistas como uma organização terrorista.
Tendo em consideração a gravidade e a emergência que esta questão suscita, apelamos a uma proibição imediata ao nível da UE da organização "Lobos Cinzentos" (assim como das suas associações 'ditas' guarda-chuva), na medida em que tais organizações vão contra e prejudicam aqueles que são os valores e os princípios da UE.
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