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A Demand For Liability  #BlueCrimeBlueDime

A Demand For Liability #BlueCrimeBlueDime

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Izzi M. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Izzi M.
started this petition to
Massachusetts State Senators Elizabeth Warren & Ed Markey
# BlueCrimeBlueDime
This petition is being distributed with the intention to garner as many signatures as possible from individuals who support the goal to make police officers who are guilty of brutality financially responsible for insurance payouts to the victims of their crime(s).

The same tax dollars that could be funneled into funding public schools, community development, affordable housing, roadwork and improved quality of life are being used to bail police officers out for their wrong doings.

If you want to see police officers privately insured, prohibiting tax payer's dollars being used to compensate for police misconduct, then signing this petition is absolutely in your best interest.

What your signature will help accomplish :
Our intention is to create change from within the infrastructure by holding cops personally and fiscally accountable if they commit acts of police brutality and racism. To make immediate momentum by demanding the end of tax funded bailouts for police committing crimes towards POC and low SES individuals .

We want to see police officers privately insured, prohibiting tax payer's dollars being used to compensate for police misconduct, racial crimes, and use of excessive force. The precinct, officers and departments must pay these premiums themselves. The families who are paid compensation that could never be equivalent to the heinous crimes and deaths caused by police brutality and violence, as well as cops bailed out, should not be compensated by property taxes. Witnessed displays of racism and/or police brutality would increase premiums and mandatory bias training would be employed.

This would hold the entire precinct accountable as every individual's premium would increase, further encouraging mandatory protocol for implicit bias training and accountability. Police officers found to be exhibiting racist and discriminatory behavior should be required to take mandatory racial bias training.

If insurance liability is implemented we propose insurance companies perform routine social media screening on police officer's for racism or discriminatory behavior. It will effectively identify racial biases and hold officers accountable. Use of hate speech, slurs and racist symbols on any officer's social media should lead to removal of position, disciplinary actions and increased premiums. The proposal is for insurance companies to be responsible for social media investigations with the result of increased private insurance premiums to encourage enforcement of anti-racist culture within the department or precinct itself

Our movement is not suggesting all police officers are guilty of negligence. This petition is to incite necessary change that would make the police department capable of catering to everyone fairly, regardless of racial background or socioeconomic status. This nation can not ignore that taxpayers are paying millions of dollars in lawsuits and settlements because of negligent and/or blatantly racist police officers behaviors. This petition is to initiate change in Massachusetts with hopes to roll out into other states in the future. Let’s fight this fight together, because that is the only way we can meet our goals.

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