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Stop 5G Mobile Networks in Greece

Stop 5G Mobile Networks in Greece

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Constantina L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Constantina L.
started this petition to
Minister of Health of Greece Vasilis Kikilias
Please sign this petition to ask the Greek Minister of Health Vasilis
Kikilias to pressure the Greek Government to put this process on hold
and ban 5G installments until they are proven safe for health.The potential health effects of 5G Mobile Networks are not known yet. Scientists in Europe have raised concerns and ask through the EU 5G Appeal for more time, as 5G frequencies (mm waves) has not been adequately tested.
It is however planned that several countries in the EU, Greece included, will attain 5G Networks.Telecommunication companies are forcing a fast launching of this technology, with disregard for the potential health hazards.
The first network "update" from 4G to 5G in Greece, is planned to start by the end of 2020 in Piraeus and Athens, by Cosmote Mobile. More companies intent to upgrade after that.
We could affect this decision through collecting enough votes to show that we do care for our health.

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