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This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Jasmine S.
started this petition to
NEA, Police

Hi Greetings,

This Morning we heard that NEA has given 2 weeks for the temple to be demolished.
I hereby would like to declare that I am also a devotee of the temple. Selva and his team have been taking a very good care of the temple and changed the Argosh Vibes to be very Good Positive vibration for all devotees well beings with His Prayers,Keeping our God in humble and patient for all devotess.

We seriously do not know whose offering live blooded meats to our GOD. Selva is not to be blamed at all. Someone seriously saaboh touch or taking revenge. The temple is been there from 1980s. Now why these people doing such acts with photo evidence. We seriously do not understand their motive.Our God there is very humble and have answered alot of devotees prayers. I personally do feel the positive vibes there and lots of good deeds are happening to my family.

Our main concept is for devotees to have Good Health, Wealth and Positive vibes to their whole family. Good Blessings from our God. Nothing else at all.

Selva n his team have put lots of hard work to keep the temple clean with positive vibration of our God. Please do not demolish our temple. 1000s over people are being blessed over there. We will work on it to place a CCTV camera and also look out for these night culprits who serves live blooded meat to our God. You may have a look at Selva Live Videos on his FB. Many months back till now he has been saying on our God vibration there n not to serve live blooded meats. People still not listening.
Our Humble Kind Request not to demolish our temple please. Lots of hearts are crying now for our God Alive there. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT DESTROY OUR TEMPLE.
Thank you.

Guys please help to sign this petition.

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