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Make a 13 Reasons Why spin-off series about Zach and Alex

Make a 13 Reasons Why spin-off series about Zach and Alex

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This petition has been created by Pekar L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Pekar L.
started this petition to
Season 4 of 13 Reasons Why toyed around with the idea of Zach and Alex getting together, resulting in a "will they, won't they" situation that was never directly resolved by the end of the season. Furthermore, Zach was the only character left with unsatisfactory and incomplete ending, after changing his personality and traits drastically to the point of no recognition.
The solution is a spin-off that will enable further exploration of their characters. This Spin-Off could take place during their college years, regardless of whether or not the plot is set on their college campus or back in their home town. It could be a mini-series or a longer show if deemed appropriate. The goal is appeasing the fans, such as myself, who feel betrayed by the writing of this season and the matter in which they concluded this show. There was a lot of promotional material and teasing of Zach and Alex getting together prior to the final season's release, which never really came into fruition. Representation is important to the LGBT community and Zach and Alex would have meant a lot for us as a canonically depicted gay couple. Charlie and Alex were not what the fans wanted and although they gave us the representation we needed, it was done so in a very rushed  and undeveloped manner and we were left feeling completely disregarded and manipulated as a means to get more viewership. So please, make Zach and Alex(Zalex) a couple in a spin-off series.

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