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SAVE the forest & 120 endangered wildlife species in Spain. 
STOP the MAT Project NOW!

SAVE the forest & 120 endangered wildlife species in Spain. STOP the MAT Project NOW!

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This petition has been created by Diana B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Diana B.
started this petition to
Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITECO) & European Union Petition Committee
A number of very high voltage towers (400kv) are scheduled to be constructed in the next few months in the wild forest of Les Guilleries, in Spain, unless we stop this project.

The construction of these high voltage towers in the forest will generate an irreversible ecological impact on 120 species protected by European Directives, of which 50 species are considered vulnerable or endangered according to the Red List IUCN.

The Electromagnetic Contamination would generate irreversible consequences on 13 critical habitats strictly protected by the EU and several natural areas protected by the EU (Natura 2000, Special Protection Areas for Birds), wildlife corridors and 3 nesting zones of protected raptors.

Although local citizens and all town councils have fought to stop this project and voted overwhelmingly against it in a democratic referendum, the Spanish Government (Ministry of Ecological Transition) has overridden the people’s voice and is forcing the execution of this project.

4 official studies show the high-voltage line (MAT in its Spanish acronym) is not necessary. There are 6 alternatives to this project that are more respectful of the environment. None of these studies and none of these alternatives have been considered by the Spanish Government.

The Environmental Impact Assessment presented by the Spanish Government is insufficient, out of date and does not comply with European Directives .  

Our Request:
  • We are requesting the Petitions Committee of the European Union to launch appropriate actions with the Spanish Government in order to stop this project that infringes European Directives.
  • We are requesting the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition ( MITECO ) to stop this project immediately .

Please sign our petition and add your voice to ours, to protect this forest and its wildlife so that it will remain wholesome for generations to come .
Thank you.

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