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Stop Exploitation of Belize Landscape

Stop Exploitation of Belize Landscape

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This petition has been created by green4all1944 P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
green4all1944 P.
started this petition to
POB Board of Directors
We the people are appealing to our government, our elected representatives (who are selected by “we the people” to protect us and help us thrive) to do all within their collective power to protect and conserve the delicate natural ecosystems of Belize now threatened by entities, individuals and corporations seeking to profit through the exploitation and plunder of land, water, and wildlife. Of specific and current concern is the proposed sale of White Ridge Farm to Vulcan Materials, a large US based mining/construction corporation with mining operations in Mexico. Vulcan has recently sued Mexico for 1.1 billion dollars because Mexico has responded to serious environmental concerns and have stopped most of their destructive mining operations in Quintana Roo.  This should serve as a lesson learned. We need governance that is receptive to the people and not representative of corporate interests.
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