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An Appeal to President Buhari to authorise Cryptocurrency Trading by Nigerians

An Appeal to President Buhari to authorise Cryptocurrency Trading by Nigerians

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This petition has been created by Nigerian Y. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Nigerian Y.
started this petition to
President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR
In February, 2021, the Central Bank of Nigeria in a circular illegalized Cryptocurrency dealings in Nigeria.
Given that Blockchain Technology is a massive feild  with parabolic opportunities, this denial has impacted negatively on the lives of many Nigerians, as well as their means of lovelihood for a year now.
On this note, we the undersigned passionately appeal to our President to use his good offices to okay cryptocurrency dealings in the country.
Cryptocurrency remains a strong source of passive income to Nigerian youths.
It exposes them to global opportunities in technology and blockchain and also positively occupies their time.
We strongly believe that it's the intention of Mr. President to prosper, not impoverish Nigerian citizens. Therefore, giving his blessings to the letters of this appeal is expected.
Thank you, in anticipation for doing so.

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