
Makka pakka for president
Cindy R.
started this petition to
QASMT students
Makka Pakka lives in a little cave at the edge of the garden and likes nothing more than collecting and washing little stones - he'll often wash the faces of the other characters too. He travels around the garden pushing his Og-Pog vehicle, which carries his soap and sponge, his uff-uff dryer and his special trumpet.
Makka Pakka often stacks freshly cleaned stones into piles resembling his head and body. He sleeps on a stone bed, often cuddling a stone.
Makka Pakka (played by Justyn Towler) is a beige, small, round-bodied doll. He has three rounded protuberances on his head, ears and bum to represent stones that he uses to make into piles. He lives in his rock cave and likes cleaning things, such as his collection of stacking stones, and sometimes the other characters. Makka Pakka often stacks freshly cleaned stones into piles resembling his head and body. He sleeps on a stone bed, often cuddling a stone. He travels around the garden riding his scloter ( information gathered by Soup and Naye)], the Og-Pog, which carries his sponge, soap, orange trumpet, and a bellows-like apparatus called Uff-Uff which he uses to dry items after cleaning them. His house is approached by a stone-walled ditch, as his home is half-buried in the ground. He says his own name and the phrase "Mikka Makka Moo" when he is happy, as well as the names of the Og-Pog and the Uff-Uff, and other phrases from his song such as "agga pang" (his soap and sponge), "hum dum" (his trumpet), and "ing ang oo". Like Upsy Daisy and the Tombliboos, he also uses a phrase meaning "goodbye", represented in publications as "pip pip onk onk". He, along with Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy was first featured in the episode "Makka Pakka Washes Faces".
His arabic name is maldif
His tamil Name is mannan pannan
If makka pakka were to be voted president, he would make the national anthem his famous song: lyrics are down below:
Makka pakka akka wakka mikka makka moo!
Makka pakka appa yakka ikka akka oo!
Hum dum agga pang ing ang oo
Makka pakka akka wakka mikka makka moo!
Signed Cindy Miao: Society of ROC (The russion Boulders)
Makka Pakka often stacks freshly cleaned stones into piles resembling his head and body. He sleeps on a stone bed, often cuddling a stone.
Makka Pakka (played by Justyn Towler) is a beige, small, round-bodied doll. He has three rounded protuberances on his head, ears and bum to represent stones that he uses to make into piles. He lives in his rock cave and likes cleaning things, such as his collection of stacking stones, and sometimes the other characters. Makka Pakka often stacks freshly cleaned stones into piles resembling his head and body. He sleeps on a stone bed, often cuddling a stone. He travels around the garden riding his scloter ( information gathered by Soup and Naye)], the Og-Pog, which carries his sponge, soap, orange trumpet, and a bellows-like apparatus called Uff-Uff which he uses to dry items after cleaning them. His house is approached by a stone-walled ditch, as his home is half-buried in the ground. He says his own name and the phrase "Mikka Makka Moo" when he is happy, as well as the names of the Og-Pog and the Uff-Uff, and other phrases from his song such as "agga pang" (his soap and sponge), "hum dum" (his trumpet), and "ing ang oo". Like Upsy Daisy and the Tombliboos, he also uses a phrase meaning "goodbye", represented in publications as "pip pip onk onk". He, along with Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy was first featured in the episode "Makka Pakka Washes Faces".
His arabic name is maldif
His tamil Name is mannan pannan
If makka pakka were to be voted president, he would make the national anthem his famous song: lyrics are down below:
Makka pakka akka wakka mikka makka moo!
Makka pakka appa yakka ikka akka oo!
Hum dum agga pang ing ang oo
Makka pakka akka wakka mikka makka moo!
Signed Cindy Miao: Society of ROC (The russion Boulders)
(Updated )
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