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Stop a new water taxi facility at the old Ruby’s Hotel location in the Town Centre.

Stop a new water taxi facility at the old Ruby’s Hotel location in the Town Centre.

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This petition has been created by Peter L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Peter L.
started this petition to
San Pedro Town Council, Mayor and Area Representative for Ambergris Caye

Approximately $7M was spent on a custom terminal on the west side of the island that remains largely unused, while the local water taxi operators are applying for approval to build a further facility in the heart of the town at the old Ruby's Hotel location.  Not only is this a hazard in terms of traffic, congestion and the close proximity to the Elementary School, but will also detract from the beach areas on the front/east side of the island.
We therefore request that the local authorities
  1. NOT approve building of the new water taxi facility in the old Ruby’s Hotel location.
  2. Actively pursue the relocation of the water taxi operators to the facility that has been built and designated for this purpose on the west side of the island.
  3. Request that the San Pedro Town Council issue an immediate cease and desist order on any planning, permitting or building for the purposes of a
    water taxi terminal at the Ruby’s Hotel location
  4. Actively pursue and demand the payment of unpaid rent for the municipal dock by any and all occupants. In light of the current instability of the town finances we believe these monies are due and needed desperately.
Our reasons for opposing this project include but are not limited to:
  1. The safety and well being of children attending the Elementary School
  2. The severe impact on traffic that would occur at what is already a bottleneck
  3. The fact that $7M has been spent to build an virtually unused terminal that was designed for this purpose.

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