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Sir Keir Starmer: Make seats match votes

Sir Keir Starmer: Make seats match votes

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This petition has been created by Klina J. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Klina J.
started this petition to
Sir Keir Starmer
As citizens who care deeply about democracy and the future of this country, we were frustrated that the wishes of most Labour Party members were denied when the vote on Proportional Representation (PR) at conference was scuppered. This could have been a really big step along the road to real democracy in this country, as well as being essential in our fight against the climate emergency.

Without PR, the little democracy we have is at risk – along with the health of the planet, equality and peace.

We want to survive. We want our families and friends to survive. We want other species to survive - and thrive.

This is why so many Labour members made it clear at conference that they wanted the party to back PR, and reform our undemocratic system.

Like us, the vast majority of people in the UK want the government to take urgent action on the climate and ecological emergency. But we're hurtling towards tipping points that will lock us into the worst-case climate crisis because the political system is stacked against us.

Thanks to our one-party-takes-all voting system, 71% of votes didn’t affect the outcome of the last general election. In fact, we almost always have governments most people voted against, and sometimes we even have wrong-winner elections, when a party can come second in votes but win a majority of seats, and with them, all of the power.

The UK fails the basic tests of democracy. We need a better system – we need to make seats match votes.

The evidence clearly shows that countries with Proportional Representation (PR) take faster action on the climate emergency and have stronger environmental protections.

When citizens have equal votes, they also enjoy more equal societies, lower income inequality, better representation of women and minorities, more collaborative politics... and even go to war less!

This might sound too good to be true, but it's been documented by political scientists around the world for decades. It’s because politicians are more accountable to the people when all votes count, and they collaborate to find long-term solutions to the urgent issues of the day, instead of fighting over polarised, entrenched positions. With PR, we can unlock democracy and create compassion in politics.

In the UK, almost every other parliamentary party except the Conservatives now supports Proportional Representation. This means we finally have a chance of real change, if Labour will commit to reform our voting system to a good, proportional one.

We need a pro-PR parliament to legislate for an urgent move to PR so the people are properly represented and their demands for rapid action on the climate crisis are met. We only have a few years to turn this around as the climate tipping points are real, hard deadlines - we need to take fast and dramatic action in the next few years if we are to meet them.

The UK has significant global influence and if we get our house in order it would almost certainly help shift the global response to climate breakdown - and attitudes towards democracy!

So this decision is not just about what voting system one party in one country endorses, and we don’t have the luxury of taking more time to make this happen.

We need Labour to respect the wishes of its members and voters, by backing PR and putting it in the next manifesto.

We call on the Labour Party to make votes matter!

Together we will win real democracy, and we will survive... and thrive.

Do you feel heard? Do you feel your vote counts? If not, make your voice heard and sign the petition now.

Proportional Representation Linked to Better Environmental Policies: https://www.makevotesmatter.org.uk/environment

Proportional Representation and Equality: https://www.makevotesmatter.org.uk/equality

Proportional Representation and Conflict: https://www.makevotesmatter.org.uk/conflict

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