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This petition has been created by Ahmad B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Ahmad B.
started this petition to
Students of SABIS in all of the UAE
We as sabis students have decided to not be unheard,
Here we are demanding the cancellation of our final exams due to major issues we are going to discuss,
Firstly, as students, during a world pandemic like this, we demand a reduction in the material as it is absolutely unbelievably too much. For example,biology year 2 students are having a 24 chapter final although the school informed us 5 weeks ago that the final was cancelled(we were supposed to do it 5 weeks ago) and even stopped taking classes ever since. Also, french 3rd language material is from the past 3 terms, as students we are horrified by the amount of material we are given.
Secondly, does anyone feel that one same teacher teaching all the uae branches is ok? We have some teachers that we absolutely have no idea what they are teaching due to a different way of teaching, (uncommon way of teaching to us)in which the material is left entirely for students to understand on their own. The extreme large amount of students being taught under one teacher also causes many technical difficulties in which somedays we aren’t even able to log in/ or either shows us a black screen/ keeps on lagging, and when we are to call the school, we are told to check our network(although nothing is wrong with our network). Also, due to the immese amount of material we are given, teachers are always rushing to finish and not all of us are able to understand. Distractions by technical difficulties, teachers backgrounds, microphone errors, lagging issues exist too.
During a world pandemic like this, and the fact that many schools are not doing finals across the UAE, we are demanding their cancellation as we are entirely too stressed and many have family/friends infected with the virus which many makes have anxiety attacks according to recent studies( we are considered the most affected age group mentally). Even Harvard University switched from its very strict way of exams to an easier pass/fail grade method as they realized that education during world pandemics shouldn’t be too stressful.
If you agree please sign this petition.
Thank you.

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