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Stop Killing Us! 
Condemnation of Femicide in Kenya by women in Kenya.

Stop Killing Us! Condemnation of Femicide in Kenya by women in Kenya.

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This petition has been created by End F. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
End F.
started this petition to
The Government of Kenya
We, the women of Kenya,
EXHAUSTED from the constant and futile work of trying not to be beaten, raped, killed and otherwise assaulted and violated by men merely because we are women,
HEARTBROKEN from the sheer volume of names and stories of women whose lives have been taken by men merely because they were women,
ANGRY at the men who violate and assault us and take our lives but get to walk away scot-free or with just a slap on the wrist because their victims are women,
TIRED of the victim-blaming narratives that are pervasive on social media, and traditional media and utterances from government officials that flood our lives and timelines every time another one of us is killed,
DESPAIRING at the responses of chiefs, police, prosecutors, courts and other government actors when we go to them for help and protection,
FRUSTRATED at the insufficient and apathetic implementation of laws that are supposed to prevent and address violence against women, including femicide,
EMPOWERED by the Constitution of Kenya and our collective decision that enough is enough: we shall not continue to be silent as we are slaughtered.
DEMAND as follows:
1.   We demand a Presidential Declaration of Violence Against Women and Femicide as a national crisis requiring an emergency response and reports on measures taken to address both issues on an annual basis as part of the constitutionally mandated State of the Nation address.
2.   In response to the declaration of VAW and femicide as a national crisis, we demand the establishment of a Commission on the Elimination of Femicide and Violence Against Women and Girls, whose Terms of Reference (ToRs) shall include the development of a National Plan of Action for the elimination of VAW and Femicide. The Commission on the Elimination of Femicide and Violence Against Women and Girls shall be composed of national, African and international feminists, and its composition shall be 60% women and 40% men, which ensures it is compliant with the two-thirds gender rule. Its chair shall be a Kenyan feminist of international repute with expertise on VAW, IPV and/or femicide. The Chair, one of the two secretaries and at least 50% of the Commission’s members shall be nominated by the organisers of the #TotalShutDownKe and #EndFemicideKE movements. Given the ineffectiveness of existing institutions and agencies on this critical issue, we demand an independent secretariat, not one affiliated to the NGEC, the State Department of Gender or the Gender Advisor to the Office of the President. None of the members of the Commission shall have criminal convictions or any history of VAW.
3.   We demand the return of the State Department of Gender to the Ministry of Public Service and the restoration of the name of the Ministry to “Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action”. Women’s rights, including women’s right to LIFE and SECURITY, are a matter of national concern and central to national development. Article 1 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 states that “All sovereign power belongs to the PEOPLE.” WOMEN ARE PEOPLE . Women and girls are more than half of the PEOPLE OF KENYA . The issue of gender equality and affirmative action and women’s full integration into and BENEFIT from citizenship are core to public service and national development, and the location of the State Department of Gender should reflect that. Given the public record of VAW statements by the current Cabinet Secretary of Public Service, we demand his resignation and the appointment of a Cabinet Secretary with no record of VAW to head the restructured Ministry.
4.   We demand an increase in the allocation of funds and personnel to the State Department of Gender to support the monitoring of Government of Kenya’s VAW commitments and the development of prevention of VAW and IPV programs for men.
5.   We demand an inclusive and participatory process (which include grassroots feminist organisations and movements) in the appointment of women to public positions. Kenyan feminists, especially young Kenyan feminists, are more than qualified to serve in public service, and the appointment processes continue to overlook and deny young feminists appointment to positions despite constitutional requirements that government bodies and other public service institutions are compliant with the 2/3rds gender rule, have meaningful representation of youth and have at least 5% of members being persons living with disabilities (PLWD). For the avoidance of doubt, women constitute 50% of youth and PLWDs.
6.   We note that VAW and femicide thrive in environments where men are permitted to dominate, and further note that we continue to have these environments, despite constitutional provisions and numerous court orders. These numerous public bodies are illegally super majority male. We, therefore, demand FULL and IMMEDIATE COMPLIANCE with the TWO-THIRDS GENDER RULE and the reconstituting of public bodies to ensure compliance with the Constitution and the law and to promote equality. Supermajority male bodies continue to demonstrate they do not take women’s issues, women’s security, women’s dignity or women’s lives seriously.
7.   We further demand that the President adopt an Executive Order committing to ZERO TOLERANCE TO VAW AND FEMICIDE. As part of implementing this policy and commitment, the President must direct the resignation of any members of the Cabinet and other presidential appointees accused of VAW and femicide. Further, we demand a commitment from the President to require mandatory disclosure from all potential appointees regarding any history of VAW or femicide accusations as well as convictions. Potential appointees must also be required to make an affirmative commitment not to commit VAW or femicide. We further seek public statements and commitments from the President and the Speakers of Parliament NOT to consider, recommend for appointment, appoint, or renew appointments of persons accused or convicted of VAW.
8.   We note the exclusion of Kenyan feminists, especially young Kenyan feminists, from appointment to public bodies and demand the representation and appointment of Kenyan feminists, nominated by the organisers of the #TotalShutDownKe and #EndFemicideKE movements, to positions in public bodies, including but not limited to the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and other key ministries, IEBC as well as other national bodies of which should also be reconstituted to be COMPLIANT WITH THE TWO-THIRDS GENDER RULE .
9.   We demand that all publicly funded political parties initiate disciplinary action against members who make misogynistic statements, statements supporting, inciting or encouraging VAW and femicide, as well as those accused of the same. We further demand that they report to the public via their websites, on at least an annual basis, on the progress and outcomes of disciplinary actions taken against these members.
10.   We demand that the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) and the Ministry of Treasury and Economic Planning hold political parties accountable for their failure to meet the two thirds gender requirement in their party lists and nominations and report on their progress on an annual basis. We note that the maintenance of exclusive or super majority male entities with taxpayer funds and in violation of the laws creates contexts that promote the conditions of women’s subordinate status, which embolden men to make misogynistic statements and actions, all of which contribute to a culture that encourages VAW.
11.   We note the interconnectedness of the struggle for women’s security and the struggle for their political and economic equality. We demand the enactment of legislation implementing the Two-Thirds Gender Principle within the next twelve (12) months. We remind all three branches of government that this legislation, which is required by the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution and multiple court orders and is the subject of a Chief Justice Advisory to the President on the Dissolution of Parliament, is over a DECADE OVERDUE.
12.   We demand the following legal reforms:
(a) The enactment of legislation on femicide and VAW which shall acknowledge its distinct and misogynistic nature and be informed by the recommendations of the Commission on the Elimination of Femicide and Violence Against Women and Girls. This legislation must provide explicit definitions of VAW and femicide, ensure the inclusion of the crimes of VAW and femicide into Kenya’s Penal Code and impose severe penalties for perpetrators
(b) Policy reform by the State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action, which should include the development of guidelines on the provision of legal, medical, psychosocial, and other support to survivors and victims' families.
13.   We demand that the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics develop inclusive data collection frameworks to ensure accurate data on femicide and VAW. This data must be included in annual crime reports and the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey. The government of Kenya must improve the quality, availability, and timeliness of data on femicide and VAW. This will enable the country to assess progress or setbacks as well as support evidence-based policymaking and an effective criminal justice system response.
14.   Even as we wait for the Commission to share the National Plan of Action on the Elimination of Femicide and VAW, we demand that the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) prioritizes all femicide investigations, which should be completed within three to six (3-6) months of the crime and for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) to ensure that charges are brought and fully prosecuted. We further call on the Chief Justice and Chair of the National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ), to develop timelines for processing these cases through the justice system and ensure that femicide cases are investigated, prosecuted and determined within a maximum of twenty four (24) months. We also call on the judiciary to ensure that all victims and survivors of femicide can access the full range of remedies and redress as provided for in the Victim Protection Act and the Witness Protection Act. Further, to establish a public monitoring mechanism for all femicide cases such that we do not see delays e.g. in the case of Sharon Otieno, who was murdered in 2018 but the case is still pending. The inordinate delays in the investigation and prosecution of VAW and femicide is an enabler of VAW and femicide. Swift investigation and prosecution will serve as a deterrent to potential perpetrators. Particularly, we urge the DCI to prioritise investigation for all the femicide cases reported this year and provide a report to the public within thirty (30) days on the status of all femicide cases currently under investigation and when the investigation will be concluded.
15.   We demand more responsible and less sensational reporting from media houses on femicide and VAW. Specifically, we urge discretion in the release of unnecessarily violent details and images. We demand DIGNITY, EVEN IN DEATH, for victims of femicide. We encourage media houses to engage feminist experts to help them improve reporting practices; women are more than half of your viewership!
16.   Finally, we find we must note the obvious, VAW and femicide are CRIMES ALREADY and as such, all leaders, MEN AND WOMEN, should publicly condemn them. The silence of political leaders and leaders in other spheres while women are consistently murdered implies condonement. We reject the narrative that women MPs are the only ones supposed to speak out against VAW and femicide. VAW and femicide are crimes committed by men . VAW and femicide are not a “women’s issue”; they are issues of security, safety, dignity and law. VAW and femicide affect women from all 290 constituencies (women who are also voters), so we D EMAND THAT THE PRESIDENT, CABINET SECRETARIES AND OTHER MINISTRY OFFICIALS, ALL MPs, THE SPEAKERS OF BOTH HOUSES, GOVERNORS, SENATORS, THE CHIEF JUSTICE AND ALL JUDGES, MAGISTRATES AND REGISTRARS to speak out against VAW and femicide. You represent us, and we demand your attention. We invite the public to actively engage in conversations and platforms that challenge harmful gender stereotypes online and offline. We further urge the public to desist from violent online rhetoric that shapes harmful narratives exacerbating femicide.
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