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This petition is closed
To the mayor of Mykonos, Greece: Help save one of the last remaining untouched beaches of Mykonos

To the mayor of Mykonos, Greece: Help save one of the last remaining untouched beaches of Mykonos

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Riewenherm R.
started this petition to
the mayor of Mykonos, Greece
One of the last remaining untouched beaches of
Mykonos is in danger.

Panormos beach is a beautiful bay in the northern part of
Mykonos island, a 500-meter sand strip, devoid of sun beds and music. It is one of very few remaining areas classified as protected area (so called “green area”) - a harvest of peace in the already very developed and touristic Mykonos!

This past winter, illegal construction works have been happening on Panormos beach. A huge beach Club has been built, on the very same model as already famous clubs such as Namos or Scorpios. The purpose is to open this summer another party beach location , targeting the
ultimate rich and fancy crowds, consuming Champagne and living on yachts.
However, while Scorpios and Namos are located in so called “development / blue area” of Mykonos, where these places make absolute sense, Panormos is classified as “natural reserve / green area”. This is why the mayor of Mykonos has refused to grant a license to this beach club and requested they destroy all illegal constructions.

We now face the unfortunate Greek reality: with
great probability and despite the mayor’s request, this restaurant is going to open its doors

Help us raise signatures against the policy of money and
sign this petition. If citizens of this world raise together against the over-development of natural areas in Greece and against the creation of just another fancy club, we may give enough support to the mayor of Mykonos to enforce the law. Just this one time, as a milestone for many other times to come!

Let’s make a change and not just accept the
status quo!
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