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A United Charter for Ecological Justice

A United Charter for Ecological Justice

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This petition has been created by Barbara W. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Barbara W.
started this petition to
The United Nations
Our objective: Create a ‘Charter’ that provides a quantifiable objective for us to globally work together to urgently recover and stabilise the degraded state of Earth's ecosystems and climate. This Charter to be endorsed by humanity, adopted by governments and the UN as a foundation document for our future relationship with the living planet Earth. The Charter is intended to inspire us all to recognise that growth economics destroys ecosystems.  We urgently need to protect as much as possible of the collapsing ecosystems and climatic conditions which have supported life successfully in the past. To understand how we can make the emotional transition to embrace this objective peacefully please use this link: https://poemsforparliament.uk/sw.

It is proposed that the United Nations should consider seeking consensus to ratify a 'Charter for Ecological Justice'.  This concept will go beyond traditional politics and religion to collectively aspire to behaviour which lies within the biophysical capacity of the Earth to sustain us. The scientific justification behind the proposed wording is the I=PAT equation, the Jevons paradox and the data about biocapacity and ecological overshoot. The proposed wording for the declaration is shown below:

This ‘Charter for Ecological Justice’ seeks to inspire a new emotional maturity within the human race. This new era will be characterised by increasingly selfless behaviour both individually and collectively in the face of escalating existential threats. To this end it recognises that our environmental impact is a product of our population size and the way that we utilise our affluence and technology. Henceforth we shall collectively and individually aspire to combine our free-choice, affluence and technology to redress the ecological imbalance, which is escalating the sixth mass extinction. All nations will collectively aspire to reduce their ecological footprint to less than half of the biocapacity available within their borders, as determined by the Global Footprint Network data. Globally, education and empowerment goals will prioritise the symbiotic relationships between ecological footprint, ecological balance, and the urgent need to release more than half of the biocapacity of the planet to sustain the needs of wildlife and biodiversity. Human intervention in wildlife populations will be discouraged unless an invasive species is deemed to be a serious threat to either local or global eco-systems. The Charter recommends that communities work towards living within the biocapacity of their borders. The ecological footprint of 2.14 global hectares per capita is a guide for a fulfilled life within a healthy ecosystem. Local targets for average footprint will need regular reviews to equitably reflect changing global and local circumstances.

Ratifying this Charter will generate the collective courage that is needed to envision an altruistic culture which will enable us to defuse the ecologically-destructive coercive consumer culture which currently overwhelms many of us in the modern world.

Further background is available at https://poemsforparliament.uk/united-nations
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