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Stop the 5G Satellites

Stop the 5G Satellites

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Markus S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Markus S.
started this petition to
The US administration, The FCC, Elon Musk, SpaceX, the European Parliament

Dear Mr. SpaceX,

stop sending your 5G-satellites up into the sky. You are ruining the magnificent night sky, damaging man’s health, polluting the Earth’s atmosphere, the ionosphere, disturbing the natural electrical and magnetical fields of the planet, the weather, the climate and all biological life on Earth. Extreme caution is now of utmost importance!

The various possible and severe interferences caused by the microwave radiation from SpaceX and other satellites on all life forms and climate must be thoroughly studied and clarified by independent scientific researchers. Until this has been carried out the precautionary principle must be followed under all circumstances.

Stop the 5G satellite mission NOW.

Greetings from good old Germany, and from millions of people worldwide who are deeply concerned about your actions.

For thorough scientific information, please visit:


see also the Worldwide Ethical Manifesto: https://wem.eu

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