
2KID - The world 2 kid family call
2 K.
started this petition to
United Nations
Our proud charitable mission is to save wildlife & reduce extinctions, climate change & pollution, by education.
Just before we start , this petition is our new improved version of our 9000 signature petition at Change.org, so if you have signed that one, please don't sign this one.
Each week humans grow a million. That's an extra million births over deaths. We & our 9000 supporters believe this is the single biggest & taboo environmental problem.
To help feed, house & transport them, we need to deforest into farms quicker, intensify existing farms quicker, defish oceans quicker, produce pollution quicker & burn carbon quicker.
This is why almost no countries are achieving their carbon goals as recycling & green investment cant keep up with rising consumption from rising populations.
So what is causing the extra million a week ? It's couples having 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 kids. If a couple stop at 2 kids they have just replaced themselves & not increased the population. If they have 3 or more they have helped to create the extra million a week.
Most couples around the planet, including 3rd world couples, now choose to stop at 2 kids or less, which unfortunately means there are still millions of 1st & 3rd world couples having 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 kids.
It is often reported that some 3rd worlders need to have 4 kids as they often lose 2 to starvation & disease. We believe they can look after 2 better than 4.
It is also now known that many 3rd worlders want contraception but can't get it .
So we have set up this charity & petition to help educate more couples to proudly choose a sustainable 2 kids or less . Harry & Meghan kindly announced their 2 kid choice in 2019 for the good of the environment.
And we are not criticizing couples for having more than 2 kids in the past, as most don't know about the extra million a week problem.
The population is now 8 billion & we are quickly heading to 12 billion which is the generally accepted maximum the planet can feed, house & transport, & all at great expense to wildlife & the environment.
We the signatories are respectfully petitioning all nations to call for a world 2 kid family choice, as we are confident this is the most important contribution any one of us can do to help bring a sustainable balance to our earth.
We believe many more millions will be enlightened and eventually adopt this choice, which will slow the population growth & save wildlife & reduce extinctions, climate change & pollution.
We also want to stop the ancient mindset of praising & encouraging large families by raising awareness of the million a week problem.
Some people will be concerned that future governments may abuse such a choice, but future governments may abuse many things. Not fixing a problem now, out of fear of future bad governing, is not logical or sustainable.
Some of mankind will claim this petition is denying them enjoyment of life , but it’s going to give their children & grandchildren more life, with more wildlife & less pollution, on a more balanced earth. Stopping at 1 or 2 is no sacrifice.
And you are most welcome to sign this petition even if you have already had more than 2 kids, as you now understand & think it is a good solution for a sustainable planet going forward.
We are a moderate contraception & education charity for the good of our environment.
The good thing about this call is if we are wrong , we are not going to hurt anything, including economies, as this movement will not stop population growth, but hopefully slow it. And what's the point of being a billionaire if the planet dies.
To help with our mission we are also asking governments to stop encouraging large families with taxpayer subsidies for kids beyond 2. And to make all contraception totally free including vasectomy, tube ties, pills, condoms & GP visits. And for all schools to begin educating the million a week problem. And to pay 18 to 50 year olds a green reward for having themselves fixed after 2 kids.
Many are calling for this choice to be in 3rd world countries only, but there are millions of 1st worlders still having large families as well. And you cannot have one call for 3rd worlders & another for 1st worlders. The first world must lead by example. This call is simple. One call for everyone, whether you're rich or poor, black or white.
Some will claim that education won't reduce birthrates but it worked for smoking in developed countries.
We are also asking the UN world bank to offer superannuation to all 3rd world couples so they don't need to have more than 2 kids as their own super.
Who will care for the rising tide of elderly ?
As demand grows, care pay will grow & more humans will move into care.
Are we globalists ?
(Globalists is the old conspiracy theory of a secret criminal organization trying to take over the world) We are not.
Are we Nazis ?
No as a call for voluntary contraception is not force.
This petition is ready for when mankind want to tell their governments they want it promoted as one of many good solutions. Petitions are just a tool for that. If it doesn’t become popular, we don’t mind, but we do predict it will go viral once the population hits 9 billion. Unfortunately that may be too late. Birth rates are dropping, but this petition will help them drop quicker, saving huge numbers of wildlife & pollution.
We thank you so very much for your kind support
Sincerely the founders of this petition
2KID charity
Owners of the family icon mark in regard to the 2KID brand & the world 2 kid family call. Copyright © 2019 onwards. All rights reserved. We are a proud New Zealand based unregistered charity that may become registered if this petition becomes popular.
Just before we start , this petition is our new improved version of our 9000 signature petition at Change.org, so if you have signed that one, please don't sign this one.
Each week humans grow a million. That's an extra million births over deaths. We & our 9000 supporters believe this is the single biggest & taboo environmental problem.
To help feed, house & transport them, we need to deforest into farms quicker, intensify existing farms quicker, defish oceans quicker, produce pollution quicker & burn carbon quicker.
This is why almost no countries are achieving their carbon goals as recycling & green investment cant keep up with rising consumption from rising populations.
So what is causing the extra million a week ? It's couples having 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 kids. If a couple stop at 2 kids they have just replaced themselves & not increased the population. If they have 3 or more they have helped to create the extra million a week.
Most couples around the planet, including 3rd world couples, now choose to stop at 2 kids or less, which unfortunately means there are still millions of 1st & 3rd world couples having 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 kids.
It is often reported that some 3rd worlders need to have 4 kids as they often lose 2 to starvation & disease. We believe they can look after 2 better than 4.
It is also now known that many 3rd worlders want contraception but can't get it .
So we have set up this charity & petition to help educate more couples to proudly choose a sustainable 2 kids or less . Harry & Meghan kindly announced their 2 kid choice in 2019 for the good of the environment.
And we are not criticizing couples for having more than 2 kids in the past, as most don't know about the extra million a week problem.
The population is now 8 billion & we are quickly heading to 12 billion which is the generally accepted maximum the planet can feed, house & transport, & all at great expense to wildlife & the environment.
We the signatories are respectfully petitioning all nations to call for a world 2 kid family choice, as we are confident this is the most important contribution any one of us can do to help bring a sustainable balance to our earth.
We believe many more millions will be enlightened and eventually adopt this choice, which will slow the population growth & save wildlife & reduce extinctions, climate change & pollution.
We also want to stop the ancient mindset of praising & encouraging large families by raising awareness of the million a week problem.
Some people will be concerned that future governments may abuse such a choice, but future governments may abuse many things. Not fixing a problem now, out of fear of future bad governing, is not logical or sustainable.
Some of mankind will claim this petition is denying them enjoyment of life , but it’s going to give their children & grandchildren more life, with more wildlife & less pollution, on a more balanced earth. Stopping at 1 or 2 is no sacrifice.
And you are most welcome to sign this petition even if you have already had more than 2 kids, as you now understand & think it is a good solution for a sustainable planet going forward.
We are a moderate contraception & education charity for the good of our environment.
The good thing about this call is if we are wrong , we are not going to hurt anything, including economies, as this movement will not stop population growth, but hopefully slow it. And what's the point of being a billionaire if the planet dies.
To help with our mission we are also asking governments to stop encouraging large families with taxpayer subsidies for kids beyond 2. And to make all contraception totally free including vasectomy, tube ties, pills, condoms & GP visits. And for all schools to begin educating the million a week problem. And to pay 18 to 50 year olds a green reward for having themselves fixed after 2 kids.
Many are calling for this choice to be in 3rd world countries only, but there are millions of 1st worlders still having large families as well. And you cannot have one call for 3rd worlders & another for 1st worlders. The first world must lead by example. This call is simple. One call for everyone, whether you're rich or poor, black or white.
Some will claim that education won't reduce birthrates but it worked for smoking in developed countries.
We are also asking the UN world bank to offer superannuation to all 3rd world couples so they don't need to have more than 2 kids as their own super.
Who will care for the rising tide of elderly ?
As demand grows, care pay will grow & more humans will move into care.
Are we globalists ?
(Globalists is the old conspiracy theory of a secret criminal organization trying to take over the world) We are not.
Are we Nazis ?
No as a call for voluntary contraception is not force.
This petition is ready for when mankind want to tell their governments they want it promoted as one of many good solutions. Petitions are just a tool for that. If it doesn’t become popular, we don’t mind, but we do predict it will go viral once the population hits 9 billion. Unfortunately that may be too late. Birth rates are dropping, but this petition will help them drop quicker, saving huge numbers of wildlife & pollution.
We thank you so very much for your kind support
Sincerely the founders of this petition
2KID charity
Owners of the family icon mark in regard to the 2KID brand & the world 2 kid family call. Copyright © 2019 onwards. All rights reserved. We are a proud New Zealand based unregistered charity that may become registered if this petition becomes popular.
(Updated )
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