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#HandsOffHewatBeukes #StopUnionBusting #RehireRossingMine #EndOutsourcing

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This petition has been created by Sacha K. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sacha K.
started this petition to
Windhoek Mayor Job Shipululo Amupanda, Chief Justice Peter Shivute, Judge President Petrus
Hands Off Namibian Labor Lawyer Hewat Beukes and the Dismissed Leaders of the Mineworkers Union Of Namibia, Rossing Union!

The Chinese National Nuclear Corporation of China CNNC bought the Rossing mine from Rio Tinto in 2019 promising to abide by labour contracts, labour law, and the Labour Code of Namibia. Instead, they immediately embarked on a campaign of cutting access to health rights for workers,attempting to bribe union leaders, firing workers to replace them with outsourced, contracted labour, and on busting the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN), especially through the swamp of replacement, temporary positions, which are not unionized.

The Chinese government is now the largest investor in the Namibian uranium industry, and they are using this control to implement a form of labour control similar to Apartheid, in previous South Africa. When the union leaders protested at the Rossing mine, 9 branch union leaders were fired, and they have been fighting for their jobs back since 2020. They CNNC want to starve them out and have blacklisted them from working at other companies.

Beifang Mining Service is also replacing union miners with temporary contract workers and at the Rossing mine they are laying off 400 miners, while hiring contract workers to replace them.

Both the Namibian judicial system and these capitalist companies are now harassing and intimidating the Namibian political labour lawyer, Hewat Beukes who has been defending these miners as well as other workers in Namibia (for example, the Namibian Fisherman’s Association).

These tactics seem like an unacceptable and deliberate attempt to prevent Hewat Beukes from representing the unions and working people of Nambia.

We demand!

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